The Music Ministry of Win 1 has embraced the concept of Prayer Praise & Worship. David begins to write in the book of Psalms that the Lord inhabits the praises of his people Israel. As we congregate and initiate praise and worship God, He in turn comes and dwells where we are. Once invited, the Spirit takes control and we are ushered into a place of refreshing and edification. The bible calls for everything that has breath to praise the Lord, but calls for the true worshiper to worship Him in spirit and in truth. As L.E.V.I. begins every service or event with prayer praise and worship, we anticipate the miraculous through a mighty move Of God. We anticipate the fallow ground being broken up and the hearts of the people being made ready to receive a Rhema Word of God. The following is an outline of the various outreaches, outings, and events that are sponsored by L.E.V.I.: