W.O.V.E. - Women Of Virtue & Excellence

The Women’s Fellowship of Win 1 is committed to restoring women from all walks of life while challenging them to be Women Of Virtue & Excellence. W.O.V.E., as the name implies, will address the many facets of women as they realize that they are wonderfully and fearfully made. God made women as intricate as a woven basket, filled with various strands all woven together to form a unique vessel of strength. As these women realize who they are in Christ and grab a hold of the promises of God, they will forge a new day where women will stand in their rightful place as queens. The following is an outline of the various outreaches, outings, and events that are sponsored by Women Of Virtue & Excellence: NAOMI is an outreach of older women to the younger women. Just as Naomi took in Ruth, her daughter-in-law, after her son died and taught her the way of the Lord and life, the old women must mentor the younger women if there is to be a legacy of womanhood and identity perpetuated from generation to generation. Not everyone is afforded the opportunity to have a fruitful relationship with their birth mothers, but with the help of NAOMI, we can realize a day when our young women are raised to respect themselves and truly see the potential and strength that reside within them.